Monday, January 14, 2013

Mom's Manic Monday

Many of you know what it's like to get immersed into the world of Harry Potter.  Well this young man is certainly in that state of mind right now:

Sorry about the faux-mo.  He wanted it and his barber was accommodating.  He is in the fourth Harry Potter book currently.  He asked me this past week if in the spring he could plant a tree.  I am always flattered when the kids appear to take up my interest in plants and gardening.  "What kind of a tree do you want to plant?" I asked him.  "It just has to be big and strong so I can make things out of it, like a broom and a wand."   O-kaaay.

How many of you have had this problem, reckless destruction of your landscaping for the assembly of witchcraft paraphernalia?  Should I be worried?

The other kids:

Judy Moody has a crush, and listening to her about it, I try to just keep calm.  If I freak out or interrogate her, she will never confide in me again.  It all sounds harmless enough-hands accidentally brushing against each other while playing a math game, smiling at each other across the lunch table.  I would be very disturbed with a third grader telling me they quietly gazed into each others' eyes for what felt like minutes, but then I was reminded of my young love.  Ah, Devin from second grade.  I thought he was great to play with at recess.  We had these awesome toy guns we earned in class that we played with at recess (my. how times have changed), and he was THE BEST.  I really knew it was serious on my part at our end of year talent show.  Devin dressed up as Elvis, including dying his blonde hair black, and sang "Heartbreak Hotel".  Something about his skillful use of Elvis pelvis caused my heart to flutter, so as long as it is just a crush I think I can handle JM liking boys...only crushes though, because I will put the kibosh on all that going steady, etc., etc, in a hurry if that comes about.  Incidentally, Devin moved to Colorado after that school year, but I have never forgotten Elvis the Pelvis's third grade comeback.

The Quiet Man-He has managed to say one word very clearly in prayers which is "gateful", which means grateful, so we have to say lots of thankful prayers to encourage his words coming along.  He has a best buddy in church (which he hasn't really paid much attention to any kids besides bros and sis before, so yesterday I was actually a little proud when he was distracted from paying attention because he was goofing with his friend.  I consider it a good sign.  He was so sick last week and really seemed to decide to live life to the fullest after getting over it.  I've never seen him so happy, and hugging and kissing.  What a fun kid!

The Hulk-Is being characteristically hulky.  He can successfully climb the bar stools with ease.  I thought I was being clever, in a desperate attempt to cook in peace, by gating off the kitchen entry, but TH was on the counter in no time and probably ready to jump off the other side, just to prove to me there is no stopping him.  I am becoming a believer.

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