Monday, May 29, 2017

More things I want to remember

Daphne has heard her brothers say, "Me too!" for a few years now.  She started saying, "Me three!" after someone else said, "Me too," but now if you say something she agrees with or want to do (even if no one else says, "Me too," she says, "Me three!" every...single...time.  It is very cute.  Her brothers keep trying to correct her, but I kind of want it to last a little longer.

5 Hopes I Dared to Hope
5 Dream Come True
5 Pregnancies (all different but not he most miserable ever)
5 Labors (each with their own story recited every birthday)
5 Years of Breastfeeding (because it was cheap and easy for us)
5 People Who Know Just How to Push My Buttons
5 People Whose Triumphs I Feel Deeply, As Well As Their Struggles
5 People I Hope To Spend Forever With

To anyone else the above pic looks like a jumble of sleeping children.  To me it is a little slice of heaven, perhaps on the smelly on ragtag side...but heaven nonetheless.  I want to remember that this Memorial Day weekend instead of taking it easy, my husband did an entire day of yard work, still went to church and a meeting with me on Sunday (didn't even get a nap), set up a tent, got briquettes ready for a boy desperate to make cupcakes baked in orange peels, pulled out and put away gear, slept uncomfortably and got a cold head as we camped in our yard.  The kids thought it was all pretty fantastic, and that's why we did it!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Daphne's 3rd

WAAAAAY back in February, our little DG turned 3.  She asked for an ice cream cake (which meant less money for presents), but she is 3, so she didn't care one bit.  

 For her special dinner she requested we all get to make homemade pizzas.
 And she was introduced to Frozen by a doll I had saved since she was 1.  My mom had bought it for her (I think possibly as an excuse to also buy herself one), but I knew she wouldn't like it as a baby.  She LOVES it this year though.  So much so, that she just asked dad this month to please by her Frozen, and she watched it the first time yesterday.

Daphne has been 3 in great ways and in less than great ways.  Lucky for both of us, since she is 5th tantrums are more likely to make me laugh or feel pity for a tired little girl than to get her in trouble.

Daphne has the best imagination and can play for a good amount of time with her baby dolls, ponies, her stuffed animals, her dollhouse, her kitchen or any of her siblings.  This last week when I was busy sewing she and Shawn played house for 2 days all morning long.  It was more than precious to witness.  She likes to keep up with her brothers and be tough and silly, too.

Below I believe she was putting all the dollhouse dolls and their pets to sleep.  She has also been known to cause pandemics amongst all the animals and dolls which Dr. Daphne then treats.  So, so fun.

The more I get to know her, the more I like, and I can say that even as she is rolling around on the floor next to me wrapped in a blanket, feeling a little angry I didn't get her milk fast enough.  Luckily, she'll snap out of it a minute or two.  Looking forward to many, many more years to come with our little Dapherdil.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


There is a lot of contention, arguing, teasing, hitting, ignoring, etc., that goes on at our house on any given day.  When I got back from a quick neighborhood walk it was great to hear ONLY laughter in the backyard.  When I looked outside I saw this.  They were all having fun; they were all included; they were all happy.  No one was cheating.  Sigh.  It was a beautiful few minutes and gives me a lot of hope.