Sunday, September 28, 2014


And how can I stop this blogging roll without mentioning Thursday night when Matt got his Wolf Badge.  What?!  I am liking Cub Scouts way more now that I have a boy in it.  All the things you do seem so random, but the boys eat it up, and Matt was so proud of what he had accomplished and so looking forward to getting recognized.  I was surprised because normally he seems to care kind of less about those real life accomplishments than video games or his made up worlds, etc.  This is a great program!  And he has wonderful leaders of his den and pack.  Sadly, his papa had his first night of class and couldn't be there.  Thus, it was my first pack meeting with 5 kids all to myself, including help setting up and clean up.  Wild stuff.  There was a storm brewing all through the event, and the kids really fed off the storms energy.  Wind equals disaster (on a minor scale).  There was also a box car derby for the meetings activity.  It was the best of times and the worse of times.  I only remembered the worst after 3/5 kids had breakdowns and misbehavior during the night until I watched the videos of Shawn going through the course.  They aren't very good, but I think you catch his spirit of excitement and determination. I can't get them figured out, but they are must see as soon as I do!!!  Well, I got them up, but they don't seem to work.  Maybe you can get a small part of the idea, and otherwise I will share them in person with those I can.

 Matt "wolfing" down whipped cream to get to his badge.
 Then we had some technical difficulties with all the wind, but he is pinning on my mother's pin.
 Proud of our guy.  You can tell it was a wild night just from these pics.
 Finally a chance to do the course.  Due to some sibling interference he got too sad to do it at the beginning of the night.

 And above and below are my 2 eager ones.  Lily and Ben had shot forward with all the early starters, and these guys wanted to wait their turns.
All the kids, at some point during the night, were having a fabulous time--never at the same time though.

General Women's Conference F14

A wonderful evening.  When I sat down with my daughter (11 and careening at times toward womanhood), amongst all those other women and girls, all trying to live good lives, seek the Lord's will fit them and their families, each with goodness and joys and sorrows personal, I felt an amazing power in the room.  Sad to say I have maybe gone a couple of times or that might have been my first, I'm not sure.  But watching from home or reading later IS NOT THE SAME.  Only took me 16 years to learn this.  Lily and I had a mahvelous time cuddling, listening and feeling the spirit together.  God is so good to answer prayers and heartaching questions I've had through his servants.
I had to do a silly pic as I won't be able to lift my baby girl much longer.

Some inspiration took away for me:

1.  I need to make temple attendance a habit again.
2.  Control of our bodily appetites helps us be spiritually prepared.
3.  The temple is the source of happiness.
4.  I need to add knowledge to what I know to be true and share it.
5.  The Living Christ (memorized even) can strengthen in me my understanding of the importance of the sacrament ordinance.
6.  I need to be a light of happiness and testimony to my dear children.
7.  When I have fear, doubt or sin, I am blocking myself from God's blessings!!!
8.  To find my real self, who I want to be which is the same as who God wants me to be, I need to LIVE THE GOSPEL JOYFUL!

I have had several experiences lately that have lifted up my weary body and given my spirit and mind the love and truth I need to not give up hope and to renew and strengthen my faith.  God loves me.  Jesus died for me, and I exist that I might have true JOY.

A typical home from school walk

33 Weeks

Oh the sitting she does!  The cobra pose (this means crawling soon)!  And the less lovely figuring out she can grind her teeth-a little stomach churning for mom.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

32 Weeks

Babies grow so fast!  Call me Captain Obvious.  We had a visitor this week with a new baby, and, my, did Daphne dwarf that fresh new one.

Daphne has taken up tongue clicking as a new hobby.  Babies figuring out how to consistently make a new sound and then being so pleased with themselves-I think it's so precious to observe.  She busted out another 2 teeth this week, and she can now sit w/o me holding her up.  Unfortunately she can't get back to lying down w/o assistance or falling.  Oh steps...almost literally.
Homemade pretzel love.  She enjoys food and has figured out how to eat/swallow normally at last.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

31 Weeks

Oh how the time doth fly!  Daphne can't fly yet, and that's a good thing.  She can sit on her own for a bit but gets wobbly without Mom nearby.  She is fascinated with her little teeth, runs her tongue over them often, and makes hissing/slurping (cute though) sounds just for fun.  She likes to "talk" loudly during sacrament meeting, the quietest part of church.  She seems to have gone into the clingy stage REALLY early and trusts almost no one.  Safe in my lap, she will smile at others and then bury her head in my shoulder, then turn to face them while still snuggled against me.  So fun...and exhausting...but mostly fun and rewarding.
 Caught in the act:  toe sucking!

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Big 1-1 ?

It feels like Lil's birthday 11th shouldn't be a big deal and yet it seems monumental to me, being a parent for 8 years.  I love my eldest, my first girl, my often partner in crime SO MUCH.  She wanted a Greek goddess cake, and since the Cake Boss "I ain't" I went with a Greek temple ruin.  It was awesome for what it was.  God bless my kids for loving their birthday cakes.  I, just, uh, have given up on trying to make them look professional.  They taste good (almost always).  There is much love put into them, and, heck, now I just have fun with it, realizing this is not my area of expertise.
Eleven things I love about Lily:

1.   Her helpful mode when she just tries to be as helpful as possible for no reason whatsoever.

2.  Her early riser gene (which I apparently lost and gave to her).

3.  How sweet she CAN BE with her little brothers and sister.

4.  Her artistic abilities.

5.  Her calming influence.

6.  Her mad litter box emptying skills.  She has been so dutiful.

7.  Her desire to do the right thing.

8.  Her near boundless energy which has been around since almost birth.  It may be on the wane as she enters the teen years...maybe???

9.  Not shying away from trying/doing hard things.

10.  Offering to give me massages.

11.  Her love of reading!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

30 Weeks

And another tooth.  Teething is so not pretty for this mom and babe.  I know she gets the pain, poor sweetie, but D is fairly skilled at making me suffer too.   She learned how fun strollers are this week.  A new way to see things.  She is enjoying teeny bits of pasta and she is still a little nurse talker.  Daph has no,patience at present when I need to take care of someone/something else, but I think it is truly all the teething.   I love my more serious, more toothy girl.  I do love how she giggles and giggles at her brothers antics, and I love how Lily is a good caretaker when she sees Daph is sad.