Sunday, November 30, 2014

42 Weeks

Last week Daph learned to clap.  This week she started awkward army crawling and is SO close to crawling.  She is trying to pull up on things and can stand holding on to something for quite a bit.  She LOVED the bounteous variety of Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 24, 2014

41 Weeks

Daphne has perfected bum crawling.  She is amazing at it, often to the point I don't see her do it, but obviously she does.  She is so close to being able to regular crawl, if she wouldn't loath being in crawling position so much.  This little lady has her own ideas and her own personality, and I am not to mess with them...ever.  She has made that clear.
 It's okay to be so loved.  It won't last long anyway.  Older sister is getting very emotional with me often now.  I'd prefer that emotion be love instead of loathing, so I'll take the koala girl.
 Fortress of solitude.  I got a ton done while she played in her brothers' Star Wars then...then she pulled it over on herself (no harm done as it is all fabric) and decided it wasn't so fun.
She seems to be starting to teeth again and so that's something to look forward to.  Her daddy showed me the cutest pics of her playing with and cuddling with Enzo.

Monday, November 17, 2014

40 Weeks

Can it really be only 12 weeks until her birthday?  She got to experience ( from the warmth of home) a record breaking first snow of 7.6 inches.  She loves to gently butt heads with her siblings.  She gets bouncing on her bum so much she either almost stands or flops onto her belly.  It is especially endearing when she does it to,the beat of one of Dad's funky songs.  She also grabs her toes and does what look like yoga stretches.  Oh, and she rocks her jumper,  creak, creak, creak.
 She loves scrambled eggs!

Monday, November 10, 2014

39 Weeks or 9 Months

How swiftly doth fly the time.  Daphne is pincer grasp certified and silly tantrum certified.  Story to,follow.  She is started to say her mdadadadada's and her bababa's, so I'm excited to listen for words.

We got family pics this week.  Daphne earned the term diva.  She wouldn't smile, which I half expected. She would get so close to breaking a smile with our wonderful photographer, then she'd gain her composer and keep a straight face.  Sometimes she'd almost smile and then it would turn into crying.  Oh Daphne.   She will laugh and laugh for me or the kids and sometimes lucas but "strangers"?  Forget about it.

Another funny incident this week:  Daphne was sitting in front of me and lucas was playing with her. He stuck out his finger and she touched it.  Think ET phone home.  When he did it the next time, she bit him.  He said a play Ouch! And she started simpering and then crying and then she bounced around and threw her body on the floor ip. A strange way too small to tantrum kind of tantrum. Moshe must have been feeling guilty, confused, scared?  We will never know.  Thankfully, at this point, I can make anything all better with hugs and soft words.  We asked for a girly-girl...and we certainly have one.   Our little China doll...when we tame her mane.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

38 Weeks and Halloween

Hmm.  Daphne was unhappy about some of this the parts where I wasn't holding her.  No new developments that I can think of, though we did get her a doorway jumper because she loves bouncing and jumping.  She came to school to volunteer in Bro Ben's class and got oohed and ahhed over.  She was a pirate baby for Halloween, oh so cute, and she giggled and giggled during her second time swinging at the park.  She is my Daphne, slayer of bananas.


And Halloween was FUN.  We had Aphrodite, Steve from Minecraft, a ninja and a ghost.  They got to be exactly what they wanted and it cost me $1.  Shawn trick or treated with us for a few blocks, and then the rest of us stayed out until 9:20.   Candy palooza!  I love Halloween!