Monday, March 10, 2014


Hey, it's my 100th post.  Who knew that I would ever get there.  I was going to write about how this first day back to work has been exhausting...not because of work so much as the meanest headache/upper body muscle ache inducing cold.  Kind of a pain.  Still, it is a bummer to not be able to take naps...must figure out a way around that.  I am thankful to have the most considerate supervisor when my "special" company couldn't possible find a way to let a lady who just had a baby have any kind of maternity.  I'm sure some kind of law somewhere or at least some women's rights group would be rootin for me.  Anywho, didn't have to worry because my boss realized the idiocy of the situation I was put in and allowed me to take off whatever time I needed.  Four weeks fit the bill.  Life is crazy as I'm trying to get back into the swing of EVERYTHING.  I've tried to add 1 or 2 things at a time (aside from the kids which obviously needed immediate attention from day 1 every day).  I feel pretty ok and when I feel a little down in the dumps I need to realize that I no longer look like this:
I don't care how many people said, "What a teeny belly!"  It was huge.  It carried a 9-pound little giant, and it is now mine again, including an innie belly button!


  1. Sorry you are ill. That's no fun. But hey the positive is that now instead of carrying the 9 pounder inside you get to carry her outside. hehe.....

    1. Yes, very preferable to have my big'un outside than in! Hope your impingement is feeling better soon.
