Tuesday, December 9, 2014

43 Weeks

MASTER CRAWLER, and so cute about it.  For being so in control around here, Daphne sure is tender and delicate about how she does things.

This week Daphne also had a few other momentous occurrences.  She sat in the actual grocery cart (after much disinfecting) and had a blast, as you can see.  She also had her first bag of animal cookies.  We go to a bread outlet.  BEST.CUSTOMER.SERVICE.EVER!  They also give each child a free small bag of cookies, and they've been asking for months if Daphne can have some.  I finally okayed it, figuring I would give the rest to the other kids.  I only let her eat one cookie...she liked the bag more anyway.

Oh, she is just a charmer...who wears my nerves thin at times, but what are moms for?  She is so happy to see me in the morning, and in the middle of the night.  She continues to do the small O pursed lip thing and breathing in whenever she is excited or interested in something.  She is trying to crawl after the cat.  It is just getting pretty exciting watching her go...even though I fully realize it means things will get extra crazy around here from here on out.  

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck, kitty. Good luck. Be spry and quick and don't becoming a nursing nipple for Daphne or share yours:)
