Thursday, November 15, 2018

My Girlzz!

FFA.  Have I told you about Lily and FFA?  Probably a little bit.  She had been practicing hard ever since she heard of something called Creed Speak.  And she also took her Greenhand Knowledge Test in hopes of getting a certificate.  It was a BUSY day for us this Veteran's Day as our family was in charge of 2 flag routes as part of the YW/YM camp fundraiser.  We four rose bright and early on a cold November morn to put out flags.  I beat my hand thoroughly and repetitively with a hammer, but we had success...of some sort...all the flags were up.  That evening Lily had her first ever FFA meeting (I think they are maybe quarterly???) where she would receive a certificate for Greenhand Knowledge completion.  The preliminaries for Creed Speak were at 4:45.  The flags needed to be down by dusk.  EEEEEEEAAAAAAKKKKKKARRRRRGH!!!! (That's me screaming).  Lucas decided he and Matt would take down flags solo while I drove Lily to a high school across town.  She was so nervous but had practice hard.  I figured no matter what it would be a great experience putting herself out there.  I felt so proud.  When I got home the boys were still out.  I fed the youngest three.  Lily texted to say she felt like she died when she went through the preliminary round.  I thought, oh well, at least she'll get her certificate.  Lucas and Matt took a long time.  Poor guys.  When they arrived it was only a few minutes until the meeting started.  As we drove I felt helpless and guilty as Lily said she made top 5 (and I hadn't seen it).  Then a few minutes later she texted she had just done her turn in front of the crowd at the meeting.  I MISSED IT!  She drew first and so though we saw all the others, we missed hers.  I had that worst mom ever feeling, but at least we were there eventually, right?  When they called the highest scorers up for the Greenhand, Lily was among them.  I was surprised as they didn't call her name until finally, tied for 2nd place.  I knew then we'd have no moody teenager because she had applied herself and was rewarded.  2nd place.  Nice!  Then she totally got called up as being top 3 for her Creed Speak/Q and A.  6th, 5th, 4th....I knew she'd be pleased to place 3rd...or 2nd...but no she got 1st...#1...Yes, I wanted to grow from joy for her hard work paying off.  And she made the connection.  Hard work, personal effort, prayer...and maybe a bit of luck and she achieved beyond her expectations.  She's got a knack.  Now she gets to do districts in January or February.  Lots of school days missed for FFA, but that can be exciting as long as she keeps up with her work.
 And a blurry pictures is all you're going to get because I don't own an SLR and this is what a camera does from our distance back.  Just know that Lily is always the tallest and you're good to go.

Then there's this little lady.  I had to make her stop for a pic on the way out the door for preschool one day last week.!!!  Black shirt, jeans skirt, Mary Janes, Berbery sweater jacket, dolphin bubble necklace plus another necklace.  So Daphne, so squeezable.  I'll love her forever.  But I have to tell you a funny story about her which you may or may not find funny but which, if recorded for posterity we will all be able to laugh at in years to come.

 Daphne likes to play kitty.  If I look busy, but she still wants to play she says, "Would like to buy this cat?"  I then normally say as long as the cat doesn't bother me while I try to get X, Y or Z done then sure.  So then we go through the process of picking a name which she has to approve and often doesn't.  And I have to feed her, and then I re-remind her that I need to get something done and she can't bother...but she still does because she NEEDS Mom's attention desperately.  Well, the other morning as the boys were getting ready, she did the routine, and I think we named her Dreamy.  We played kitty and owner for a few minutes, and then I got distracted by replying to a text.  She tried to reengage me, and I said just a minute this is really important.  Right then, Ben and Shawn came in.  She looked at them and said deadpan, "Marianne does not love this cat anymore.  Would you like to buy this cat?"  I just burst out laughing and Ben laughed even harder.  He had no idea this small annoyance known as a sister could provide any amusement beyond being immensely teasable, and she wasn't trying to be funny, but it was hilarious and a good reminder of how she perceives my behaviors/attentiveness when we play, for better or worse.

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