Sunday, June 22, 2014

19 weeks, etc.

Daphne is a stander....more so than any of her baby predecessors in our home.  I get major cute aggression (it's real, look it up) when I let her stand, see her ample little thighs and her serious face as she tries to stand stiff and tall like a soldier.  Don't want to ever forget it.  Or the fact that sometimes As I cradle her or rock and talk with her, she gives me this hard to describe look.  It's like she's saying this moment or this time is just for us mom, like there is some secret or joke that's just between us.
And so you see, the cuteness makes each little labor of love, that feels almost constant right now, feel so worth it at the end of the day.

In other news, first session of swim lessons done.  Soccer camp and day camp for my big(gest) boy this week.  I feel nervous as it is so much new for him.  Sink or swim, I suppose, but I'll be there regardless.

This weekend was a lifesaver, at least Saturday.  L made it such a nice day.  Said yes when he could have said no way to my crazy running idea, did dishes palooza, let me talk madly about nonsense-flitting from topic to topic as my head can do at times (mostly always). gave me a SO RELAXING date to look forward to and enjoy, with a perfect sunset AND a pedi at last!  I have to say, and it's not new news, I am utterly overwhelmed daily right now and my mind won't stop thinking, but after a long walk last night, my head was cleared, so at peace and rested....then today happened BUT as one of Lucas's favorite songs says, 2 minutes in heaven is better than 1...another post for another blog.

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