Miss Daph had a busy day. I had to conduct and do sharing time in primary, so she was held and loved and walked by several people while I was doing my thing, and she was a great sport! I am thankful for her.
She is trying out her vocal cords with all kinds of squawks, though her favorite sound is grunting. She loves to grunt, grunt, grunt. We've learned that if you get the bath water temperature just right she is a huge fan. Still loves getting that scalp massaged when she is shampooed. Sadly (we knew it was coming), she is getting her bald spot on her back of her head that most newborns wear into their hair. At least it"s still a party in the front though.
And, after feeling a little sad that Mom had to prepare dinner and not give her undivided attention, we locked ourselves away, gave her a bath and cuddles, and now she sleeps happily away.
She did make Momma sore last light. We played a game/had dessert at a friend's house, and it was late. We have a bedtime routine which I couldn't do. So I held her in a million positions and finally rocked her to sleep. It only took 2 hours! and thus the sore arms and back today.
I am hoping for some giggles soon. I haven't figured out what she thinks is hilarious still.
haha loved the party in the front comment. The hair will come back. It'll be there someday. May come with a crazy cowlick but it'll be there in its glory.