Sunday, June 1, 2014

16 Weeks

Oh So Busy!!!  I thought about posting approximately 5 times this week with all the things happening and then I thought no way will I get to it, so Sunday will have to do.

First of all, Ben 'graduated' from preschool.  What a cute little fast! program they did.  I felt bad as we simply couldn't afford private preschool for 2 years for him, so I thought well, public school will have to do, and I am eating humble pie because the ladies who ran his preschool and the program they went through with the children was amazing.  They sent each child home with a hand scrapbooked yearbook, and we were amazed at all the baking and activities and costumes.  Wow, they gave those children a year to love and remember.  This will be his only year at Frontier, but he did great and is ready for Kindergarten.

Also had to mention a few weeks ago Lily and the other A Day girls did a super fabulous talent show for their moms.  They made us laugh and feel proud and laugh!
 And speaking of talent shows, Lily auditioned earlier in the month for her school one.  She was so nervous to do it, but she was brave (much braver than her mom was in fourth grade) and actually was one of 12 acts that got to perform.  I went with all 5 kids BY MYSELF, but it went okay.  I have always been determined that no matter how many kids I have I need to be able to take care of them and get them to behave relatively well in all sorts of environments by myself, but it sure is nice to have parent backup in case something goes horribly wrong.  They are kids with the big spirits in little bodies thing going on, after all.  Lily did fantastically.  I marvel at her ability to memorize music because as the amateur musician I am that is one of my Achilles. Hmm, and suddenly it won't let me put the video of Lily in.  Well fine, but SHE DID GREAT.

Lastly, ward campout.  Much anticipated all week, but an illness (licorice, very berry Dutch oven cobbler and curdled ice cream, oh my) made our trip super short.  Lily stayed longer and had the time of her life, but this weekend left Mom and Dad exhausted.  We need a vacation.

And now, to the title of the post.  She lives to make eye contact and get people to smile at her.  She is getting stronger, but the thought of rolling is not even a twinkle in her eye (heha).  She had another fussy day, not sure why, but she is SO CHUBBY and such a great little buddy to have hang out with me most of the time.  When we had to feel from Egypt (aka the ward campout without her getting her morning feeding, she didn't cry the whole 2 hours of pack up and driving home, even though she was awake and could have deservedly screamed the whole.  I love her for that (even though I would have loved the poor little screamer too).  That's all folks!

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