Thursday, May 8, 2014

Swedish Fish

First of all, work is crazy...more like work is the same and I'm going a little crazy.  I should at least get my facts straight, right?

You know babies are cute in their little diapers but toddlers, toddlers/preschoolers, are SO CUTE in underwear and not stinky vomitrocious diapers.  This toddler had a day and a half of dry and airy awesomeness...and then he had to, ya know, #2 and we had a fail, but still, considering I thought there wasn't a chance, any chance that he would potty train before age 3, it's been a nice ride so far, filled with Swedish Fish (you can totally swap the minis for the big ones to save money and he doesn't know-but I feel guilty and give him 2 to make up for it).  Today said toddler/preschooler scarfed down many cupcakes.  He is the sweets ninja in our kitchen.  You think he is working on the one you gave him when suddenly you realize it's his fourth.  Silly wonderful boy!
And yesterday, yesterday, DG wore her first piggy/pony tail.  It was SO CUTE and Pebbles (Flintstones) like.  Barely 3 months old tomorrow and you can totally do hairstyles on this lady, and she doesn't fight me like her sister did when we first did piggies at age 11 months.  I know, I'm sickeningly sweet and repetitive, but I love this little lady.  She "talks" and coos to me, does the occasional thrilled with life squeal and also communicates in growls.  Her middle of the night wakenings aren't full on wails but more like a slightly irritated, "I'm hungry and scared.  Please save me and I will love you forever."   And she does.
My kids are awesome!  They all have interesting things to say, their own silly senses of humor, and sometimes I can even reason with them...sometimes.

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