Friday, November 27, 2015

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

For some people, for US this year more so than last year, it is a wonderful time of year.
And we bit the bullet, sob, tears, sniff, sniff, and got a FAKIE MCFAKERSON TREE.  It was time, I suppose.  It makes sense, and fake trees can hold plaster of Paris hand imprints that no real tree can.  But, was time.  And a fake tree meant we put our tree up today, TODAY!  Well, tonight, but same difference.  Fruit dip, Christmas music, so many special ornaments and memories.  I am so thankful for the traditions brought into my life by Lucas's family, and I am so thankful for the excitement and togetherness and Dixie salad that was brought into my life by my family.  Our kids are pretty lucky because we LOVE Christmas.  It isn't super stressful round here, just fun and the balance of making sure we celebrate Jesus and not just all the get, get, gets (but they are so fun, too).
Before tree decorating, while Daddy was working, we had foot bath palooza.  Shawn liked pushing the buttons.  Daphne liked splashing, and Ben was just glad to finally get a foot bath after inquiring every few days for 2 weeks.
Stay thankful and enjoy this season, my people!

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