Wednesday, December 29, 2010


OK, it's borderline getting late, and I'm coming down from a workout high, but as I'm not tired enough to go to sleep yet, you get ME.  Apparently at present there is a standoff somewhere near the main intersection near my house, so that's fun.  Haven't heard any sirens, so it must not be that close.  We've had a busy but great few months.  Big L is working some crazy hours, but he is doing well and they think he's a keeper, so what more can I ask.  I have been exhausted but happy.  Christmas was fantastic (except for the coughing, pink eye, vomiting, inability to sleep, muscle and joint aches, etc.)  L is obsessed with her new beta fish and dwarf African Frog.  They are named Blueberry and Freeze, respectively.  It's a soap opera in a 2 gallon tank the way she sees it.  Today, she was very sure Blueberry was going to die, and she was eagerly talking about what new fish she might pick.  I'm a little wary she might start looking up fish poisoning methods, but, alas, she isn't totally internet savvy yet, so we should be okay.  M is honing his expert skills at getting the living daylights beaten out of him by a 23 month old.  Mostly that involves doing the most horrible crying ever.  He is a pacifist, no fighting back, so crying is his only defence.  He had a great fifth birthday, Lightning McQueen all the way baby.  He had some naughty little friends that tried to ruin Santa for him this year, and I'm a little bitter, but this too shall pass.  Seriously people, if you aren't doing the Santa thing with your kids, make sure they can keep their mouths shut about it to other people.  Ruin it for your family...fine.  Ruin it for my family...GRRRR.  B is actually a delightful sick patient.  Now, I'm not a heartless mommy, but as with L, when he is sick he is what I would call a "normal" kid.  He isn't destroying my house.  He likes lots of cuddles, and he just chills.  No, it isn't my dream to parent vegetables...just really calm kids.  They do exist...only with L and B, they have to be sick for it to be a reality.  B got one of those sweet little cars that are yellow and red/orange that you can ride around Flintstone style, and actually all the kids fight over it a bit, but he looks pretty cute in it and says 'car' lots and lots as he pushes it around, which is good since he is not much of a talker yet. 

We got all our Christmas stuff down today, and now I must buck up for New Year's festivities.  In a way, I'm bummed to have the kids go back to school.  The hermit thing is very becoming to me.  I hadn't driven my car for 6 days until tonight.  Sweat pants and wacko hair, baby...that's the life for me.  I will shape up now and take daily showers and be sociable again, but everybody (at least I think almost everybody) deserves some serious cave time every so often.  Well, lest I embarrass myself with anymore of my insights and wisdom, I will say adios for now and hope that my 1 devoted follower reads this, even though i was very, very, very, very naughty and didn't blog FOR-E-VER.  I love my family and friends very much...and I like being healthy again very much also.  Peace out!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weekend Trip

These are rare for us.  We had a lot of fun going down to Tooele for Cousin O's baptism on her birthday.  What a little girl!  L loves playing with her.  It's one of those houses where you arrive, the kids disappear and play happily for hours, no drama, and grownups can just visit.  I love that.  I can never see too much of my siblings...unless we were neighbors then I'm sure it would be too much, and we had a good visit and a good walk.  We stayed with our friends Adam and Sherrie...ever so kind of them as Sherrie is due to have a new baby next month.  They are the best of people, so generous, so kind, so understanding and, also of great importance, SO FUN!  We got to play a couple of games and attempted watching a movie, though much sleeping was involved in that part.  We love the Drais'!!!!  Before heading home to our less traumatized then ever puppy (Corey must have done some great dog sitting), we took the kids to Temple Square in SLC.  They'd never been, and it had been awhile for The Husband and I.  I love the feelings I get when I'm there, just thinking about the pioneer sacrifices...the fact that this barren desert was turned into farms and beautiful buildings because of lots of faith and hard work.  The kids said they enjoyed it, and I hope it sticks in their minds even though it was just a quick visit. 

All in all a great trip.  Car desperately needs vacuuming and possibly an exorcism now, but we all made it safe and sound and enjoyed family and friends.  Our only real problem, B has not learned that kids should sleep during car trips.  He spends about half the drive screaming and then 1/4 talking gibberish to who knows who and then the last 1/4 of the trip staring with this creepy zombie stare...sleep would be so much more easy, but to each his own, especially the unique little ones.  My next post better have pictures...or else.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sisters' Weekend

Wow!  I just had one of the most fun weekends in my life...and if that's too dramatic of a statement than we shall say one of the most fun weekends in a very long time.  We had kind of our first sisters' weekend ever...with a niece or 2 thrown in for good measure.  I am very tired now, as my sisters were nice enough to drive a late night drive to come to a 6 am spinning class with me on Friday.  We walked with my kids by the greenbelt.  Then we had a fun evening downtown, including the Pita Pit and seeing a guy on a bicycle with tons of CDs attached to it.  The next day we were able to do the Women's Fitness Celebration 5K with much sweating, panting and a few stories to tell.  Where did Megs disappear to for the last 10 minutes of the run?   We may never know, but at least she found her way to the finish eventually.  There was some fun sister shopping.  Leave it to us in the dressing room to tell each other the truth to the best of our abilities, and then we were able to enjoy some delicious pulled pork which The Husband worked on all day while watching the 3 amigos (who consequently thought there mom had abandoned them because she spent some time with her sisters instead of them).  Lastly, we stayed up way too late watching a Hitchcock and doing a couple of pedicures.  I had a great time and feel a lot closer to my sisters, which is just what I needed.  And my sisters did a lot of dishes and patiently waited for the sole shower in the house. Now, as long as I can cure my children's neuroses from the weekend, oh and probably the dog has some issues too, then I can mark it as a lovely historical event in my personal history.  May there be many more sisters' outings to come.  Thank you to all 3 of my sisters for being so helpful around my house amidst the chaos, being so fun and for being who they each are!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

L's Big Day

Well, the day L has been waiting for finally arrived... yes, today was her birthday. It is hard to imagine that 7 years have gone by since L came into our lives, yet there we were, the five of us gathered around the table singing Happy Birthday (technically 4 of us were singing, L was holding in as much air as her lungs could hold in anticipation of blowing out candles).

As today was Sunday, we kept things rather low key, but we did take everyone to the YMCA yesterday to go swimming per the birthday girl's request. I think she had a pretty good day, all in all. She seemed to receive a cornucopia of presents from her loving family and got to talk to loving grandparents and aunts. Otherwise, she spent the day with M coloring and painting with her new art supplies and taking pictures with her camera.

Marianne made a fantastic rainbow cake decorated with a variety of frosting flowers... again per L's request. As the birthday boy or girl gets to pick their dinner on their special day, I was expecting something in the realm of pasta, but our ever growing 7 year old threw a change up and went for nachos; who would have guessed?

Other than the celebrating, it was a nice quiet day and we enjoyed hearing from all of the family. A couple of side stories that Marianne and I found rather humorous. While we we are the the YMCA swimming, L talked M into going down the curvy water slide, which he finally did. I couldn't see M as he went down the slide (keep in mind that Marianne was at the bottom to catch him), but the place was filled with his terrified and high-pitched screams. Apparently, he didn't like the turns. Perhaps that sounds cruel, but knowing he was safe the whole time, Marianne and I found the situation pretty funny.

Also, I finally had a change to cut M's hair tonight. It had been a while and his hair was starting to get pretty wild. M did fantastic and B was so interested in what was going on that he pushed a chair over to have a better inspection. As soon as I finished up with M and sent off in the direction of the bath tub, B climbed up into the chair and gave me the "my turn" look. It hadn't been my plan to cut his hair tonight (due to the aforementioned couch diving injury) but as he was there, I figure why not? B let me cut his hair with no problems and I sent him off to the tub for his bath as well. After he was all clean and dried off, he came downstairs and gave me a hug as if to say thanks. Not bad for a 1 1/2 year old!

Well, that said, good night and Happy 7th Birthday, L!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wisdom 4-year-old Style

M, happily coloring in his new coloring book said, "Mom, Jesus sure made the world cool when he invented the Super Hero Squad coloring book."  His perspective on the world is pretty fabulous, and it's not blasphemy because he is innocent.  I think I'm feeling quite proud of him today because we did a well child visit for M and B, and I didn't think M would have immunizations but turns out he could have his pre-K ones if we wanted to.  Even with it sprung on him last minute, he just laid back and took it, just saying that it hurt once and 1 little whimper.  Now L, my very over the top girl, for those same shots was screaming and thrashing around and begging for mercy, seriously begging us to stop.  My guilt level was high. 

L is bouncing around and desperate to know the exact number of presents she will be getting for her birthday.  I can only imagine what she'd be like if I was actually spoiling her rotten.  Feelings of entitlement seem to come naturally.  She has had to be a brave girl herself this week, having some kind of toe problem that we have been treating home medicine style.  L can't wait for her debut as a flower girl and Aunt Sam and almost Uncle Jon's wedding.  Big stuff to a 6/7 year old's world.

B has actually pulled off more cuddling this week than bodily harm, so he is on the good list.  Yes, he is only being sweet because he has a cold and is feeling pathetic, but I'm still counting it.  At the ripe old age of 19 months he can move our heavy dining room chairs to the counter, the sink, the fridge or the pantry.  One pauses to contemplate life's deeper meanings when one finds a stuffed Winnie the Pooh and some magnets in the sink, toothbrushes in the pantry, etc.  

Big L, that's his DJing name apparently, stayed the longest he probably ever has at work last night, but he got a lot done and thankfully didn't get trapped in his parking garage, which he thought was a possibility for a minute as he was leaving. 

And Big M, that's me but I don't like the sound of that, is getting very excited for her sisters to come later this month.  It'll be fast but fun.  I just signed up for a super cheap gym membership that is a quick walk from my house, mostly so I can do spin classes.  Also, both The Husband and I are hoping for some home improvements to happen really soon, preferably by magic, but if not that, we hope to learn some new skills or find cheap labor (haha).   Well, peace out for now.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Evil Knievil Returns

Hello all!  Yesterday was not my favorite day.  B, for anyone who doesn't know, is a danger to himself and others.  He likes to try anything that gives him a thrill, even if it could kill him.  He climbed over the top of our couch, hung down the other side and then dropped, bouncing off the couch and banging the back of his head into our metal railing.  He got a nice little split.  Fortunately, Mom, who is better at dealing with blood than me apparently, helped clean it up, and we decided we SHOULD be able to get away with no urgent care/ER visit.  It started bleeding a little at bedtime last night and this morning there is what I would call a little weeping.  Meanwhile, B continues to run around crazy, and I cringe, hoping he won't hit his injury on the table or a corner, etc.  I seriously want to wrap his whole body (except breathing orifices) in pillows tied on with ropes and call it good.  I am thankful it wasn't worse, though.  With B terrifying me, L and M seem quite sane.  L is LOVING school.  She comes home happy and full of information to share.  She is big on the social aspect as well, so we have to talk about who chased her, who yelled at her, etc.  She also lost the first 1st grade tooth of the year.  That's number 8 for her.  The tooth fairy forgot to come last night, which really made her sad.  She decided that probably the tooth fairy was scared to come in our house because I was up late sewing.  I think she was right, and I will be sure to go to bed early tonight.  I do NOT want a repeat.  M lays low all day long, seriously low.  He colors.  He watches a little TV, plays some games and talks with me a little or plays with Enzo, or rarely B.  I have realized after 3 days of this that he is saving up every particle of energy in his body to greet L when she comes home each day.  When The L arrives, all 3 kids go crazy...pretty much until bedtime.  Picture a Calvin and Hobbes scene where Calvin is walking in the door after school.  L is Calvin and M is get the idea.  I'm, uh, working on a solution for my sanity's sake but haven't got one figured out yet.  In fact, B's injury yesterday was when he got all hypered up because L was home.  Some kind of supernatural force must connect these 3. 

I've had a fun week, got 2 spend some time with a good friend, and I'm learning some new crafty skills so that is always cheerful.  I learned also that I have the funniest dentist on earth, but I think he is cruel because he says all this silly stuff while there is a bunch of stuff in my mouth, so I'm sure I look ridiculous trying to laugh but unable to. 

The Husband, well, he has his usual end of month stuff at work, so we shall call him Zombie Man until next week.  He continues to be ever helpful to me even though he is exhausted by the time he gets home, so he is allowed to be Zombie Man for just this week.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Free at last, free at last...

I know Dr. King was talking about something completely different, but it seems to echo our feelings of FINALLY having the fence done.  I suppose all in all it wasn't the hugest inconvenience one could have, but it sure is nice to have it done. And we got to know our neighbors better because of it, so it wasn't a completely pointless venture. 

In orther news, L starts 1st grade tomorrow.  We finally met her teacher on Friday and we think it will be a good year for her.  She asked for a Father's blessing from her Dad tonight to help start the school year... very sweet. 

Also, had a wonderful batch of spinach from the garden tonight.  That and the homemade tomato bruschetta made for a very tasty, very fresh meal.  More later!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Home Depot Platinum Member

Hey, there's supposed to be a fence there!  This is the section that was completely ruined, but we decided to do basically the whole fence along that side of our property as it was kind of pathetic in spots.
I've come to realize by now that fix the fence Monday is really fix the fence week...but it will be awesome when it's done.  I've made so many trips to Home Depot (despite excellent planning) that it's, "Hello, carbon emissions, goodbye only having to fuel up the old minivan once a month or so."  It's times like these a truck would be handy, but you must admire my loading job at the upper right.  I have some kind of closet machismo that comes out at times like these.  I like to try to carry all the heavy stuff, do lots of manual labor and "be a real man".  I think it stems from trying to impress my dad when I was little.  The Husband, meanwhile, found out that jackhammers aren't as fun as they look.  He and an awesome friend from church used one for 4 hours Monday, and it never looked like they were having too swell of a time.  I hope our friend is still our friend after all that work.  I knew I didn't want to try the jackhammer out because of how heavy it felt when I was dragging it out of the back of the minivan.

As an aside, some weirdo in a pickup truck is "walking" his dog slowly down our street again and again. 

Anyway, on the mothering kids front, our kids have been babysat a little, left to watch a movie a little and have helped a little with the fence this week. It's school countdown time for us...L starts in 5 days and M in 14. They are very ready to be back. I am glad I have kids who are still pumped for it, and I hope that's always the case. L decided to be a poser today.  She is still in the stage where her candid smiles are so much cuter and more sweet that her planned ones...though maybe that's how it is with all of us.

M, the car obsessed, has taken up coloring as an actually enjoyable activity in the last week...which is a rare feat for all the boys I know.  Sure, he is just coloring cars instead of playing with them, but it's still coloring.

And B...he has had a rough week, being almost too ill to bite and pinch, etc.,...Note, I said ALMOST too ill.  On observing him this week, I've noticed as soon as M does something B doesn't like, B opens his mouth wide (the better to do a great bite with) and sticks his arms out wide (the better to get a good hold on his victim so that the bite can inflict more damage).  I am praying it's a stage.  He doesn't do it in church at nursery-just at home with M and Mom.  He sits dutifully in a time out afterwards but then just does it again the next time things don't go his way, so if anyone has any effective disciipline for this situation, let me know.  Sick or well, he can always feel the rhythm and is a serious dancer to anything from a waltz to hip-hop.  He will stop throwing a fit or even in the midst of attack plans just so he can dance.

I am off to clean all day long to make up for being a tough guy the last few days.  Wish me luck!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bad Fences Make for Good Neighbors

No pictures to post, but we had a huge windstorm last night.  The strongest gust was clocked at 68 mph.  The Husband and I were attempting to watch the movie Roxanne when I heard a loud crunch sound.  I checked out front and then out back, and there was no fence in the back of our house between us and our neighbor.  The fence was admittedly weak and something we were wanting to fix when the weather cooled down this fall, but now that the fence just got ripped off, Monday will be fix the fence day.  Today, The Husband and our neighbor dis-assembled some of the fence and found some kind of critters (apparently not termites) in the wood.  Ick!  The good news is it was a great way to meet our new neighbor and to reconnect with our older neighbors, as we have a lot of fence to fix.  The bad news is our pup, who is kind of phobic about a lot of things, is psyched out a wee bit by the hole in the fence.  He is sticking to his people like glue.  So by sunset tomorrow hopefully we have some lovely fixed up, sturdy fence...then on to our next fix up plans...and assuming we can put a little money aside for it each month, there are a lot of fix up plans.  And nobody will be able to stop The Husband now that he's got his definitive Home Depot orange home fixing book.  He's been eyeballing it for years, so I guess the other good news about our fence, may s/he rest in peace, is that The Husband got his handyman book.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Chocolate Insomnia

Sooo...I've toyed with the idea of doing a blog as a faster way to get info and pictures out to family.  I'm starting its setup tonight because I ate a whole bar of chocolate around 9 pm and lay in bed for about an hour before realizing I wouldn't fall asleep.  This has been our first week w/o swim lessons basically all summer.  L, the resident fish, appears so dismayed about not being in the water everyday that she decided to be sick.  Ok, more likely she got a virus and that caused her to be sick, but you never know.  M has transferred all the toys from his room into every other room in the house, thus proving correct the chaos theory.  For the first time in maybe his whole life I made him clean up the entire mess by himself.  Since L has been sick and is normally the major helper around here, it was just killing him.  B, dear, sweet, psycho baby B...he gave me a baby goose egg on my head today, so I'm cracking down on him.  He may be cute and cuddly and only 18 months old, but the reign of B the Tyrant is coming to an end.  A new pecking order shall be established.  As a summation of our summer (because it was the main event of summer), I am adding some swim lesson pictures.