Friday, August 20, 2010

Chocolate Insomnia

Sooo...I've toyed with the idea of doing a blog as a faster way to get info and pictures out to family.  I'm starting its setup tonight because I ate a whole bar of chocolate around 9 pm and lay in bed for about an hour before realizing I wouldn't fall asleep.  This has been our first week w/o swim lessons basically all summer.  L, the resident fish, appears so dismayed about not being in the water everyday that she decided to be sick.  Ok, more likely she got a virus and that caused her to be sick, but you never know.  M has transferred all the toys from his room into every other room in the house, thus proving correct the chaos theory.  For the first time in maybe his whole life I made him clean up the entire mess by himself.  Since L has been sick and is normally the major helper around here, it was just killing him.  B, dear, sweet, psycho baby B...he gave me a baby goose egg on my head today, so I'm cracking down on him.  He may be cute and cuddly and only 18 months old, but the reign of B the Tyrant is coming to an end.  A new pecking order shall be established.  As a summation of our summer (because it was the main event of summer), I am adding some swim lesson pictures.

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