M, happily coloring in his new coloring book said, "Mom, Jesus sure made the world cool when he invented the Super Hero Squad coloring book." His perspective on the world is pretty fabulous, and it's not blasphemy because he is innocent. I think I'm feeling quite proud of him today because we did a well child visit for M and B, and I didn't think M would have immunizations but turns out he could have his pre-K ones if we wanted to. Even with it sprung on him last minute, he just laid back and took it, just saying that it hurt once and 1 little whimper. Now L, my very over the top girl, for those same shots was screaming and thrashing around and begging for mercy, seriously begging us to stop. My guilt level was high.
L is bouncing around and desperate to know the exact number of presents she will be getting for her birthday. I can only imagine what she'd be like if I was actually spoiling her rotten. Feelings of entitlement seem to come naturally. She has had to be a brave girl herself this week, having some kind of toe problem that we have been treating home medicine style. L can't wait for her debut as a flower girl and Aunt Sam and almost Uncle Jon's wedding. Big stuff to a 6/7 year old's world.
B has actually pulled off more cuddling this week than bodily harm, so he is on the good list. Yes, he is only being sweet because he has a cold and is feeling pathetic, but I'm still counting it. At the ripe old age of 19 months he can move our heavy dining room chairs to the counter, the sink, the fridge or the pantry. One pauses to contemplate life's deeper meanings when one finds a stuffed Winnie the Pooh and some magnets in the sink, toothbrushes in the pantry, etc.
Big L, that's his DJing name apparently, stayed the longest he probably ever has at work last night, but he got a lot done and thankfully didn't get trapped in his parking garage, which he thought was a possibility for a minute as he was leaving.
And Big M, that's me but I don't like the sound of that, is getting very excited for her sisters to come later this month. It'll be fast but fun. I just signed up for a super cheap gym membership that is a quick walk from my house, mostly so I can do spin classes. Also, both The Husband and I are hoping for some home improvements to happen really soon, preferably by magic, but if not that, we hope to learn some new skills or find cheap labor (haha). Well, peace out for now.
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