Ah, the annual elementary school Christmas concert. What was once torture when Lily started school and then became bearable though weird for the last several years has actually evolved into a good, traditional-feeling, but still brief (oh so important-attention span of a goldfish here), Christmas concert. Fun to hear Ben singing Up on the Housetop just like I did when I was standing on risers in my own elementary school back in the day. Ben was SOOO cute, doing his actions very enthusiastically and singing away (rare for my boys). I totally let Matt get away with no concert this year. I have heard all the songs before. They seriously, even through 3 different music teachers in 6 years, have done the same songs for each grade (with a few variations), so I don't feel too bad, and Matt thought he was getting away with something...little did he know....I was instead.
Daph was fascinated with the seat bottoms that flipped up. It was how she occupied most of her time, that and exchanging dirty looks with a young chap who was blowing raspberries at her. She liked the clapping too. I learned Matt is more of a conversationalist at a concert than a listener and observed...very educational though, bless him.Then, because that NEED TO CREATE is always a-raging, I stayed up past 2, fell asleep plotting further creating and worked most of the morning to make and then clean up after this puppy:
Lucas brought mandatory advent calendars into our Christmas life. YAYYY! But I wanted something prettier with yummier tasting stuff inside, I guess. It was fun but time consuming, and I love it. I am certainly learning after every project I do I see immediately one thing I wish I had done differently, but naturally it is too late, but I am going to keep owning the imperfection and love the good parts. Might as well. That is life.
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