Tuesday, February 3, 2015

51 Weeks

Stinkin Picasa blog interface.  I can't get all my pics on for this and one other post, but I will say BIG WEEK for Daphne.  She learned to climb a whole flight of stairs, all at once, without me watching, which is scary but amazing.  Who knew she had it in her?  And she decided to start standing in the middle of the floor, and it was so adorable.  She's all in squat position and then carefully stands, still not completely upright and with her hands out just to be sure she is ready when she falls.  She smiles and squeals and loves the attention it gets her.  A funny thing about her this week is that it was the first week I've seen her get mad about wearing a dress.  She was feeling particularly curious at church and would crawl out into the hallway and disappear.  When she came back in, I could tell her scoot/crawl wasn't working so well with her dress.  She would sit every so often and just pull at her skirt and try to pull it over her head/off/anything to get rid of it because it was slowing her down.  Yep, girls, sometimes we have it a rough.

1 comment:

  1. Cute Girl. I may like her more now if the momma attachment is being severed?
