Monday, October 13, 2014

35 Weeks

Tooth #5 has arrived.  Daphne is like a ninja.  She gets places fast but we're pretty sure it's not by crawling.  How does she do it?  She is shy/flirty with any adults who talk to her besides Mama.  She tries to get her dad's attention and then plays shy with him as well.  She is fascinated and relatively friendly with other children.  She thinks everyone is ok as long as she is holding tightly to me, the ultimate security blanket.

She is fairly easy to make laugh-peekaboo and silly noises.  She still has big eyes and her hair gets pretty wild.  So close on the pincer grasp, almost there.  She loves to eat real food and was screaming for beans at dinner tonight-we'll see how that goes.  She gets a look of awe and stares at my face when I sing a hymn or song.  Not because I am a great singer by any means, but I think because she loves hearing my voice in a different way...and maybe can feel the spirit.  She is NOT a napper, 1 or 2 teeny cat naps a day is all we get from her.   It's a New development for me as a mom and slightly very frustrating.

If I could sum up Daphne's current personality in 10 words, they would be:

Curious, observant, reserved, (a little) demanding, smiley, light sleeper, easily consolable/distracted.

She's a tender sweet little one.  I desperately tried to get a pic of my happy girl tonight but durn camera flash blinded her every time.  Still, see that smile?

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