Sunday, September 14, 2014

31 Weeks

Oh how the time doth fly!  Daphne can't fly yet, and that's a good thing.  She can sit on her own for a bit but gets wobbly without Mom nearby.  She is fascinated with her little teeth, runs her tongue over them often, and makes hissing/slurping (cute though) sounds just for fun.  She likes to "talk" loudly during sacrament meeting, the quietest part of church.  She seems to have gone into the clingy stage REALLY early and trusts almost no one.  Safe in my lap, she will smile at others and then bury her head in my shoulder, then turn to face them while still snuggled against me.  So fun...and exhausting...but mostly fun and rewarding.
 Caught in the act:  toe sucking!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm maybe the clingyness came from being abandoned to Marc and Mere.......hmmm....Maybe?
