I have been, of course, cleaning, but Judy came home from school ready to do homework so she could sew. Now, Ms. Judy got fabric for Christmas specifically so she could make her little sister a blanket, and we did a little cutting out but then nothing for 1.5 months. As much as I wanted to make her clean her room with me instead, I decided this time would be of more worth to us, so I taught her some sewing basics.
She tried so hard and when she messed up she didn't give up and run away or do a crying fit. I was amazed. It wasn't easy. I can't even remember what it was like when I was learning, but I know I must not have been that good as my skills are not stellar even now. I was proud and nervous and a titch frustrated (I tell you patient divided in half at this point), but I was encouraging and positive and not stupid at all, a rarity when I parent sometimes.
Out of nowhere she decided a pillowcase would be a good practice, so she made herself a pillowcase as I showed her how and, MY, that girl was is proud and declared it the most comfortable pillowcase ever.
Then comes the weird part of the day. Kids to bed, I work and feel jittery and then get kind of shock-like chills when I go to bed. Then I had all sorts of random contractions, what felt like a mini panic about going into labor, some more spread out contractions, and then I fell asleep about 5 a.m. What the? I'm guessing some type of preparatory thing or false labor because nothing has happened since. I still have a nervous stomach and think baby girl has dropped some, so maybe, possibly, miraculously I won't go overdue...then again, maybe I will, and we will get another roller coaster week.
Now I am bracing for the LONG DAY-Fridays of doom!!!! But at least this morning it was a SNOW DAY!!! The kids are having an awesome time. Judy and I got all her patches sewn and pressed and now we just need to piece together. Part of me hopes we can finish before baby comes and part of me hopes the baby can just use it as a blessing blanket and not a come-home blanket so that baby can come sooner. Realistically, we can probably get it done before if Judy stays interested, and she is so proud and learning patience and skills, so either way, it was worth it for me to ditch plans and do what she wanted/needed to do last night and this morning. Will post pics when mission accomplished!
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