Thursday, June 27, 2013

Summer So Far

Let's cram a month and a half of fun (exhaustion at times for me) into one post.  In mid May, we had the pleasure of having Grandma Dee and Grandpa Terry come visit us for a week.  These 2 could keep me young.  They are very energetic compared to Husband and me.  The kids had so fun showing them all they know and can do, and we had a few outings to show them around town and, of course, SHOPPING WITH DEE...always fun.  The only downside...Husband and I fell off the healthy wagon and enjoyed way too much delicious food while they were here...not their fault, we easily succumb to temptation.

School ended before June (unheard of in this state but these are the times of education cutbacks, and besides I personally think school should ALWAYS end before June).  Since then, it's been swim lessons, fun Friday mornings and trying to keep technology use in check.  These sweet children of mine are technology piranhas, vampires, whatever you want to call it.

Judy Moody has been doing an experiment (which seems to have unfortunately ended yesterday) of being a very kind and agreeable and willing daughter.  It was fabulous!  All the yes mothers and not screaming and crying like certain smaller minions was absolutely lovable and appreciated.  She is still my right hand girl in this heavily pre-testosterone and testosterone laden environment.  She got to do swim lessons this year (we skipped last year) and it was good for her to improve some of the lesser used strokes.  She was so happy she went and kissed the deep bottom of the pool on today, her last day.  Judy has been having a blast since she has a great friend who lives 3 houses over and is in heaven.  They mostly get along great and are so silly/fun to watch and listen to.

Obi Wan apparently only is a fanatical reader when it means he stays up insanely late on school nights because I see a lot less book cracking lately, even though we have a ton (almost) of books checked out from the library.  He is obsessed (always with something) with a game called Nimble Quest right now and has actually used some of his chore money to purchase characters in the app.  Obi also has a friend who is the little brother of Lily's friend, although they seem to end up over here playing on technology which is not my opinion of a play date.  Boys!

The Quiet Man isn't so quiet when he is crying.  He's had a bit of an adjustment this summer having to share things with Judy and Obi as they are home from school.  He will definitely be ready for preschool in the fall.  I think hanging out with kids his age and being necessitated to use his words will be so good for him.  Husband and I worry about him.  He seems to be super smart and can make any sounds when we practice but just won't use those words.  I've heard a few people say they've heard of this situation before, but it sure feels unique to us.  Talk, Quiet Man, Talk!

The Hulk has really upped his artistic aspirations this summer as his siblings have been careless in where they leave art supplies lying around.  He is proficient in wall art and carpet/flooring art and has truly excelled at body art.  This morning he managed to pour a whole box of cereal into a bucket and to drizzle a bottle of Hershey's syrup into the floor.  Enzo thanked him for that one.  All these mishaps could be prevented if older siblings were a bit more responsible.  Each time he sees a pool, he starts trying to strip down and go swimming.  Poor kid.  I will need to take him soon since he's watched all the others swim and swim and swim.

For fun, I have been reading way more than usual and inspecting/weeding my garden often with the kids.  We did go camping at the beginning of June with our church group, such a fun spot, and Judy Moody managed to find a rattlesnake by our tent.  Too bad we didn't believe her but good her friend's dad did.  I will spare you the Lord of the Flies details.  We will just say in an outdoor environment, teen and pre-teen boys really take to nature and survival of the fittest or fastest or smartest.

For future summer plans, a little more swim lesson time, homemade ice cream on The Fourth, and hoping to manage a rendezvous with my mom and Husband's mom/sister/other family hopefully.  I also am pushing for one more slightly longer camping trip.  I've said before to many people, hyper kids just seem still active but so at peace and happy in nature, always finding something to do and so full of good stuff.  I love watching my kids away from "most" of civilization.  I'll try but will make no promises to get some pictures transferred over.  Times like these I need a smart phone, but I do not want to pay for one of them yet.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun summer! Thanks for entering our tie drawing.
