Nearly every day I am presented with flowers from all 3 of my boys. I always feel so sad throwing them away, and so I set them near where I'm working. Naturally, the next day there are dry flowers and eventually they do go bye-bye, but if I thought about it, they probably feel a little burst of love for me when they think, "Hey, I wanna pick Mom a flower." Even though also every day I get told how horrible my food is (for the record it is fabulous-2 of them just happen to be the world's most pickiest eaters), they love me as their mom. That's something at least.
And this:
I should be ashamed of myself because in a way (albeit innocent) it belittles The Husband, but seriously my boys are needy and chatty and, at times, utterly exhausting, so to know that maybe I'm doing okay as a mom, that they are full of sweetness and love, again makes me smile...and laugh a little in this case.
In other news, guess who turned 2! 2! 2?
The Hulk has managed to outgrow all his siblings for his first 2 years of life when you compare on our birthday growth chart wall (anyway have a catchier name for that?) This kid can eat and is mostly NOT A PICKY EATER (hint, hint Obi-Wan? Quiet Man?) This kid has quite the place in our hearts as he actually shows enthusiasm and favoritism for his daddy. Not sure where we went wrong with 1-3, but this kid hollers when he hears the garage door opening, meaning Daddy is home and he will blow kisses nonstop when Daddy leaves. He is getting into the Terrible Twos right off the bat by telling us no when we asked him to do something, but, fortunately, I think, his tantrums are still in the cute stage where I think, yep, whatever little buddy. It'll blow over in a minute. His smiles and hugs are unforgettable and can make any bad moment turn sweet. His love of crayon/marker/pen wall and toy and floor and counter and fence art are less desirable, but I can't see him continuing this habit for too many more years. He and his brothers played with this little train set for hours on his bday and then his other toys from Grandma. Still having a hard time convincing the boys the present wasn't for all of them, not that they can't play with them all. Sharing is highly recommended here, but they are indeed Shawn's presents for his birthday. The Quiet Man even announced, "I don't hate (Hulk's real name) anymore." He must have really liked to play with the toys if he was willing to express such brotherly love.
Oh, and one last thing, The Quiet Man is very jealous of The Hulk on a daily basis, which makes me sad and frustrated at times, but when I make them hug to make up, as much as The Quiet Man thinks I'm sick and wrong for doing it, The Hulk brightens up no matter what horrible thing his brother has just done to him and runs to initiate the hug and a kiss. He is rough. He is tough, but he is full to the brim with love to share all around.
Well, well, well, I will man up and actually download camera pics so you can see some sweet swimming moves from Judy Moody, Obi-Wan and The Quiet Man, plus we have a video (none too thrilling because it is so short) of Judy Moody's second piano recital). I will get the ol' bum in gear...promise.
And in other, other, really last, last news, I am now our ward's Primary President, meaning I am in charge of making things run smoothly and making sure all the kids ages 18 months to 12 years old feel loved and get taught about Jesus, sort of behave, etc. There's the simplified explanation of it. I know to most people it's no big deal, but I am not a natural born leader. Sure I pulled off some leadership stunts in high school because I was determined to get scholarships, but I am way better at being the counselor or grunt man or go-fer, etc. It is my comfort spot. I have some insecurities where I think why would anyone want me to be in charge? I'm not the best or brightest or most able, BUT I have had several wise leaders tell me since I was asked to do this that for whatever reason the children in our ward need me right now. I don't have to do my calling the way any other primary president has. I, Anna Banana, am enough. I have whatever the Lord wants these kids to get right now, and so, as much as I don't see it, I have faith that if I try my hardest, some good will come of it for the poor, sweet souls entrusted in my care every Sunday.