We have 5 weeks of school left. I have been subbing since March 1st in Mrs. Nuuvali's 3rd grade class. It has been really hard sometimes but also the most fun way to spend 8 hours of my day and make money. I feel like I am in my element, and I hope that this feeling continues into real contracted teaching. I have learned that teaching and working with children can be a lot like dog training. No, I don't mean that in a degrading way, but Ripley has been having some intense training that has made a huge difference in her behavior. She has had so many less problems with submissive peeing and tearing up Daphne's toys, growling at strangers and being aggressive. And it's because she knows we are in charge, we will keep her safe and we have high expectations. You have to apply distance pressure and eye contact to show Ripley (and students) that you know exactly what is going on and they need to stay in line. There is more, and maybe I sound crazy, but it's true. My class makes me laugh, they make me aggravated to no end, and I love them so, so, so much. I am so excited to finally be a teacher.
Life. Updated. When I get around to it. Lots of screaming guaranteed.
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Long-Term Subbing, Dog Training and Life
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Despite probably the weirdest student teaching semester thanks to COVID-19, I made it through and my diploma is supposed to be ordered next week, and I can apply for certification once my official transcript is here too. I was/am so happy to be done. I am substituting for the spring. I need to get Lucas to help me with my resume. I have a long-term sub job March through June (67 days!) which will kind of be like student teaching minus a full-time mentor teacher. And I am trying to wrap my mind around getting prepared for interviews and then doing them, without fainting or freaking out. I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing, but I need to give off some kind of 'she knows what she's doing' vibe when I interview. Sigh. Scary stuff, but Heavenly Father has gotten me through one thing and over another hurdle and through several storms, so I know He will help me get through this. Below is a picture of me my last day of the semester, subbing as a librarian and dressed as an elf.
Intern in Mrs. Steiner's 5th Grade Class at Mary Mc
I wrote the title to this blog last March, not realizing I would never be back with those students. I didn't take pictures with them, and I was only with them for 9 weeks. It was such a good experience even though I was so terrified and had to slowly grow into it. Dusti Steiner helped me so much and gave me lots of chances to do my thing and then correct what she'd have done differently or what I could do to make it better. I'm at a loss for much else to say, but did want to mark those few months in time.