Well, here we are at the end of the first quarter of 2020, and the world feels turned upside down...the whole world!!! This is probably the weirdest experience in my life so far, and I know we will all remember this our whole lives, assuming the world doesn't go even more crazy, which it truly could. This is all thanks to a worldwide pandemic known as COVID-19 or coronavirus. They are working on a vaccine, but that will take over a year. And though we know older people are at the greatest risk, there are a lot of unknowns, so school has been canceled for a month. Store shelves are missing basics like flour and toilet paper, and people have panicked or are panicking. Living as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, if our family had done everything perfectly, I think we'd have very little to worry about. We have been being prepared for years for times such as these. I think we could have done better in our food supply, keeping the Sabbath, and so on, but we have made some honorable efforts, and I don't feel panicked thanks to following the prophet. In fact, one cool thing is last time I went to Costco, before things got crazy, I bought 2 big packs of TP and 2 butters and some other stuff I never double up on just because it seemed like the right thing to do, and boy am I glad I did. What a blessing. I'd like to think it was prompted by the Holy Ghost because we do try.
But I'm not going to lie, the uncertainty has been hard. My internship semester is slipping away. My class is online and I can't get my mind wrapped around it just yet. I won't get to be in my class much anymore (if at all) and will write about that experience soon. And Lily who was getting who groove with FFA, improv and mock trial, it all got swept out from under her. All of the kids, in fact, have to get used to a new, sort of boring normal, though I think we are all trying to make the best of it.
But before the topsy-turvy happened:
Daphne lost her first tooth...and her second, after New Years but before school started back up.
I think I took this picture because Daphne was so earnestly trying to read the words of the hymns. She has become an incredible reader. After our 'spring break' week is over, we need to get more serious about learning again from home.We haven't had much snow since the holidays, but Daphne and Shawn made a wonderful snowman back then. They are wearing cute hoodies their Grandma Laura gave them for Christmas.
Lily loves to sing and play piano cords. She is still rocking her short haircut. So crazy to think she is 16.5 and definitely wanting to be her own person but still our girl but pushing us away but wanting to keep us close. Teenage-hood is not a picnic.
Ben turned 11. I'm pretty sure I've been telling everyone he's still 10, but he's 11-last year of primary. He is rocking a long haircut still and is a total social butterfly. This quarantine situation will probably be hardest on him.
Daphne, who I have way too many pictures of, loves to have hair, jewelry and sometimes even lip gloss for church. Girly girl for the win.
Lily used chocolate fondant to make Daphne kitties for her birthday cake which Daphne explained to me in elaborate detail months in advance. Lily did great, but too bad Daphne doesn't realize how limited her mom's cake skills are.
Daphne loved her birthday and especially enjoyed adding the biggest bunny yet to her bunny collection.
My internship semester was a little rough for Daphne and I at the beginning. She has thrived in all-day kindergarten, and her morning and weekend cuddles helped me be more okay with the things I had to do.
Daphne with her Christmas blanket looking kinda cute but very serious.
Matthew had a drop-in awards assembly where he was recognized for his GPA as well as by Mrs. Brockman for being a dependable, kind, helpful student. I was so glad I could go and support plus not be late to my internship. What a kid!
A Matthew in his natural habitat with his natural hair.
Matt at his recital. He went on to get superiors at Festival. We are pretty sure this is his last year of piano. Cool story, though. Sister Call, his piano teacher, came over to tell me he really took responsibility for his lack of practice for several months which is unheard of in a student his age. He stopped blaming others, started working and pulled it off. Proud.
Daphne was allowed to play with Matt's cute pillow and made it bed, asking for me to take their pictures together.
Pure nostalgia-Lily is 16. Daphne is 6. Lily has been way into hair and makeup with all this time on her hands w/o school, so she decided one Sunday to do Daph's hair too. I remember Meredith curling my hair for church, school and family pictures when we were essentially the same ages. Little sisters feel so special when older sisters take that time to pamper them.
Enzo is adjusting to having us home all the time.
And the things that happen in my bathroom when Lily is bored. Hilarious because normally Ben is the one who does silly things to my room.
And that is a quick catchup of the start of our year in pictures only. Yes, Shawn is still part of our family. I feel like I should do a post just for him. He's a fantastic and tender boy who hears EVERYTHING and continues to be a great thinker and learner.