Monday, July 8, 2019

Is it officially summer, yet?

Not to complain, but I am so nervous about my PRAXIS II tests this week-first my Biology Content Knowledge (which it would be a miracle if I passed) and then, second, my Elementary Core 4-part test.  I really, really want a 5 full weeks before fall semester where I don't have to study one little bit for anything...just time at parks with the kids, playing board games, getting some deep housecleaning done.  If I don't pass, it will mean more studying AND taking the tests once the semester has started.  Ugh.  And I'd like to say it's up to Heavenly Father, but it is up to how well my brain retained study information and IF I even studied enough and the right things.  Sigh.  I need to do a bit of writing about some of what's happened in 2019 so far, but that will have to wait because this week is swim lessons for B and S, study, study, test take, test take, other household stuff and then immediately off to Beehive Camp (which will be a new adventure as I've never gone to any overnight camp as a leader.