Where is my happy place? Oh sure, I have a lot of places I feel happy - being pretty much anywhere with Lucas, reading to or playing with my children, river walks, uncontrollably laughing as we eat dinner with friends, going to the temple, being all by myself in the house (a truly rare event). But I have been searching for my happy place in life. I was raised and do verily believe that not only does God have an ultimate plan of happiness, but he has individual plans for all his children. What is His plan for me? How much of it is 'flexible' because He is really big on letting us have agency and choosing our paths and how much is, "Marianne, you were sent to earth for this VERY specific reason (or many specific reasons) and you must find out what your mission is!"? I've heard all sorts of interpretations, and I think this is probably an area with some gray to it because we are all so different.

But boy have I been trying to figure out what He wants me to do, and let's be honest, I'm no angel, what I want to do to be happy, to feel like I made a difference on earth, to feel like I am enough. I have a niggling feeling that I could be a rocket scientist brain surgeon and still not feel enough, so no matter what I do I have to teach myself to get over that. We are children of God with eternal divine potential. Therefore, we are enough. A bag lady on a corner IS ENOUGH. The richest guy in the world IS ENOUGH. And all the in between people, and certainly those who want to love and help rather than criticize, belittle, hate and murder, ARE ENOUGH. But, you know, once I cross the hurdle of yes I am enough, even with some extra weight, some extra baggage, despite my inability to keep a clean house and to keep my eyes from leaking often, I still want to know what I really, really want and, preferably, I want that to line up with what God wants.
Another confession: I downplay my role as a mother, a wife, and a friend/neighbor. Even as I know it's so important, even as I see other women in the trenches and cheer for them, I think, yes, of course I do that stuff, but what else should I be doing? It's ridiculous because I am the biggest advocate of, wanted so badly for so long to be JUST a mom, but I've been a juggler more often than I've felt like a stay at home mom. I had such rigid expectations of how I thought life would go, and there is a stubborn part of me that fights embracing the messy beauty that is me and my family and my life, I guess because it's not much to look at by the world's standards, but it is pretty glorious in its own right. It is actually quite rare, too, so, yes, I should never downplay what has been carefully built by Lucas and me, by our family, by God. Also, I'm certainly no social butterfly, but I have no problem helping someone out at the grocery store or visiting with a neighbor and I hand out smiles right and left to anyone who will take one. I need to know (not just hear from others) that if all I ever was was a kind person who served others and never had an official job title, that would be enough. I marvel at the stories of so many people who are and were just that. Their amazing blood runs through my veins. So, yes, this not enough thing is just so aggravating because I would never expect of anyone else what I expect of myself, and I have exhausted me, depressed me, hidden away and torn myself down with all these expectations and self-claimed glaring failures.
But I still feel a push to do something else. I'm so here and there and everywhere that I don't know if my motives are all pure, but I think I'm headed in the right direction. My patriarchal blessing has helped. Lucas has given me a couple of priesthood blessings as I have wrestled with ideas. I've had to battle through information, applications, phone calls (a big deal for this phone hater), some figurative slammed doors blocking some paths, some doors opening, and I've fought all of it all along the way. Stubborn. Brother, so stubborn inside. No one would guess it from looking at me or talking to me.
Even as I feel like I would like to teach, I think oh that's not good enough. Oh, you will humiliate yourself. How will you get a job? I seriously need to work on my cheer leading skills. I feel like it's a Whitaker thing, or a dad thing. Never get your hopes up, keep your head down, don't dream. I mean, it's not a glamorous job, but of any decent paying, real-person adult job I could have it allows me to do what I love most which is be a mom. I'm not a social climber. The thought of fame makes me want to break out in hives. And Lucas does a great job providing so I don't need the big bucks, just enough to help take care of 5 hungry kids who need clothes and educations and opportunities and missions and weddings.
I'm so afraid of failure I've almost talked myself out of it a time or ten. But last night, last night, as I lay exhausted (I hate working every night so late), I felt hope and excitement. The fear was chased away for a few minutes. I pictured the very-different-from-what-I've-been-doing-for-the-last-14-years vision of not having the job I have now, getting paid a salary, talking with people I work with about our students and collaborating, meeting new pupils every year and trying so hard to love each of them, even when they sort of seem hard to love. And before that, I thrilled at the thought of having to study hard and take 'scary' Praxis tests, proving to myself (and 'the system') that I am capable; I picture going back to school which is pretty trippy in your late 30s when all your kids are in school and you thought back in 2003 you'd never go back to school again (hahaha). And all those things I pictured if I thought of them any time in the last 4 months and probably any time in the next 4 would just be terrifying, but last night it all sounded pretty sweet.
In conclusion, I've prayed and pondered. I've made pro and con lists, studied different programs, different careers, costs. I've played out scenarios of what it would mean for my kids, my husband, thought of enough what if's to possibly make my husband's head explode (because, oh yes, you bet he gets to hear most of my thoughts as I angst and PMS and worry about all of it again and again). And I kind of sort of think I will move forward. I am bright. I am teachable. I have love to share. And I do love to see a child learn. Yes, I have also thought of all the what-ifs about paperwork, troubled kids, administrators, politics, and those first few years of lesson plans all evening after working all day, and that all sounds kind of nightmarish, but I have a good heart, a good mind. I am strong, so very strong (despite the leaky eyes). And if I could make just the littlest difference for someone (like Mrs. McAdams and some of my other teachers did for me), wouldn't it be worth it? Being a stabilizing, predictable, kind force in someone's day for 9 months of a year wouldn't be half bad. I'm sure I could take all the crap along with the good because I have become an expert at taking crap and tolerating all manner of things thus far in adulthood as I live for the little golden moments here and there, the tender mercies God graciously sprinkles upon us here and there just when we need them, especially when we are paying attention. And who's to say that despite what seems to me the most twisty-turny, stubbornly-fought mental journey that leaves me wondering what have I done with myself and how did I end up here, that this isn't exactly the journey God intended for me and that I'm about to embark on a path that will take me to the exact people he needs me to help? With God all things are possible! I'm a firm believer of that.
I will always be first and foremost Lucas's help meet (or sassy counterpart depending on the day) and mom to 5 children who lived in my heart long before I grew them in my belly or fed their bellies in my kitchen, but maybe I can add a little more to that on this earthly journey. I just hope it's not selfish and it is most definitely the best thing I can do for my family and myself. I think so, and I guess I'm willing to fail if I am wrong and start over. After all, I certainly have a safe happy place to fall if I think, once again, what was I thinking?