We've been building up to this moment for 13 years of adventure, laughter, heartache and growing....lots and lots and lots of growing. L's festivities started off with fancy filled cupcakes and a late-over with a couple of friends. We had the most of fabulous of weekends around here, and then today we had a snoopy cake and siblings slathering love on their sister in the form of reading, giving her random toys of theirs and singing. It was all pretty cute.
Lily and the boys picked tomatoes and cucumbers for her beloved Greek salad with lots of feta. It's her thang right now. Also I made her Cajun Chicken Pasta which is probably her favorite thing I make, but there is so much chopping up of vegetables and chicken and making of sauce and, and, and that I only make it for those I REALLY, REALLY love as a special request. I even added extra mushrooms because she is a smart person and likes mushrooms. Her cake request was simple, bless her, because it is reflective of her. She isn't overly complex and complicated and pain in the butt - she is my hardworking kind, just-keep-swimming, extremely tall girl, and I'm so very glad she is mine.
She loves Rick Riordan novels, especially Percy Jackson. She likes Studio C skits, texting her friends furiously on the phone, and Youtubers, especially those who play Minecraft. She is very into Peanuts. She is brave enough to try new sports at her parents' strong urging. And she wants to please the Lord and have peace on earth (thought not so much with her brothers).
We love you Miss L. Our house would be pretty boring without you in it, and though I tease you about being a teenager and super tall, I can't wait to watch as you grow in faith and personality and knowledge and skills. You are going to go places. Stand tall always!