BUT, until I have $10,000 burning a whole in my huge old granny purse that I will have someday, I LOVE BRITISH TELEVISION...and movies. Heaven, I tell you, heaven. So clever, so beautifully done, so suspenseful, and, this might sound weird, but they all have "normal looking" people as the actors. In British television, a chick that looks like me *ME* can be considered eye candy. And great actors/actresses can be old and fat with swollen legs and they are totally appreciated for their acting skill and not their perfect, surgically altered or extremely diet and exercise sculpted bodies. Aside from the scenery and humor, that is my favorite part about these shows.
Some of my all-time and recent favorites:
One that has kept me company this week.
Doc Martin is much anticipated. Oh the awkwardness of the romance and, well, everything about him.
My old friend Monarch of the Glen. I can just run this for hours. Love the scenery, love/hate-in-a-good way all of the characters.
Wives and Daughters. Interestingly, I had seen this 1 advertised at the beginning of my Monarch DVDs for years and was never interested until this week, and I'm glad I got to enjoy it. Felt a little like a Jane Austen.
Yes, you can't beat British stuff. I am a little choosy, because often you can get nudity and no-no words in shows from over the sea, but there are so many, like these, that just aren't skanky.
So many shows I love, that make me feel at home and happy. I haven't mentioned Downton Abbey, but I'm a fan of that club too. I love the BBC Jane Austens from the 90s, and I could list 30 more shows I like, but it would get to be quite a long blog.
Enough about my personal obsessions. To catch you up on my fabulous family, The Husband has been doing some crazy pricing changeover stuff at work (still have no clue). Judy Moody is still making me smile with her piano. She has her first recital 4/12, so cross your fingers for her. Obi Wan is on Harry Potter Book 6, and he has yet to ask me what Damn or snogging means, yet I know he gets the plot because he talks and talks and talks about it to anyone who will listen. He has no problem being a walking spoiler for any plot lines. The Quiet Man seems to be getting a little more frustrated about having communication challenges. He is improving but it is slower than he and I would care it to be. I love him so much. I am doing an SLP program with him that I need to redouble my efforts on, and I found a great articulation app (if I haven't already mentioned it), that gets him saying all sorts of words correctly. Love it! The Hulk has taken over his brother's Hulk action figure, oh-so-appropriately, and he and The Quiet Man fight and fight until I feel quite batty. BUT, The Hulk has been a sweet little cuddler at times this week, reminding me that he is still my baby, and he feels so perfectly chubby and heavy and sweet in my arms. I love the kid. I have grand bike riding schemes for our whole family, if I can get my resident bike expert/repairman on board. We need a bike seat for The Hulk and some new helmets as the little brains are all growing, and in our old neighborhood, we had a serious goat's head problem, so many bike tubes need to be replaced. Hopefully it happens soon if I bat my eyelashes enough. That's plenty of sharing about thing I LOVE for now. Will write soon.